Title: “The Table and Chair”
Key words: Product design, User experience, Community design
Name: Zoë Waechter, Charles Ferguson
Goal for project: To create a furniture piece that solved for the needs of New York residents.
Title: The FF Collective
Key words: Education, Social Impact, Partnerships, Finance
Names: Zoë Waechter, Alice Almeida, Junhee Shim, Martina Acosta
Goal for project: To support middle and high school girls in their financial literacy journey.
Title: “Click”
Key words: Prototyping, User experience, Community, Entrepreneurship
Name: Zoë Waechter
Goal for project: To figure out a mode for women who own small busineses in the fashion industry to connect and support each other.
Key words: Art Curration, History, Women’s Studies, Galleries
Name: Zoë Waechter waecz295@newschool.edu
Goal for project: To highlight the artwork of women and their
historical contributions.